Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vital Records of Birth, Marriage and Death in France
Civil registration of births, deaths, and marriages in France began in 1792. Because these records cover the entire population, are easily accessible and indexed, and include people of all denominations, they are a vital resource for French genealogy research. The information presented varies by locality and time period but often includes the individuals date and place of birth and the names of the parents and/or spouse. One additional bonus of French civil recordsà is that birth records often include what is known as margin entries, handwritten notes made in the side margin, which can lead to additional records. From 1897, these margin entries will often include marriage information (date and location). Divorces are generally noted from 1939, deaths from 1945, and legal separations from 1958. The best part of French civil registration records, however, is that so many of them are now available online. Records of civil registration are typically held in registries in the local mairie (town hall), with copies deposited each year with the local magistrates court. Records over 100 years old are placed in the Archives Dà ©partementales (series E) and are available for public consultation. It is possible to obtain access to the more recent records, but they are not usually not available online due to privacy restrictions, and you will generally be required to prove, through the use of birth certificates, your direct descent from the person in question. Many Departmental Archives have placed portions of their holdings online, often beginning with the actes detat civils (civil records). Unfortunately, online access to the indexes and digital images has been restricted to events older thanà 120 years by the Commission nationale de linformatique et des libertà ©s (CNIL). How to Locate French Civil Registration Records Locate the Town/CommuneThe important first step is to identify and approximate date of a birth, marriage, or death, and the city or town in France in which it occurred. Generally knowing just the department or region of France is not enough, although there are some cases such as the Tables darrondissement de Versailles which indexes the actes dà ©tat civil across 114 communes (1843-1892) in the Yvelines department. Most civil registration records, however, are accessible only by knowing the town ââ¬â unless, that is, you have the patience to wade page by page through the records of dozens if not hundreds of different communes. Identify the DepartmentOnce you have identified the town, the next step is to identify the department that now holds those records by locating the town (commune) on a map, or using an Internet search such as lutzelhouse department france.à In large cities, such as Nice or Paris, there may be many civil registration districts, so unless you can identify the approximate location within the city where they lived, you may have no choice but to browse through the records of multiple registration districts. With this information, next locate the online holdings of the Archives Dà ©partementales for your ancestors commune, by either consulting an online directory such as French Genealogy Records Online, or use your favorite search engine, to search for the name of the archives (e.g. bas rhin archives) plus etat civil. Tables Annuelles and Tables Dà ©cennalesIf the civil registers are available online through the departmental archives, there will generally be a function to search or browse to the correct commune. If the year of the event is known, then you can then browse directly to the register for that year, and then turn to the back of the register for the tables annuelles, an alphabetical listing of names and dates, organized by event type ââ¬â birth (naissance), marriage (mariage), and death (dà ©cà ¨s), along with the entry number (not page number). If you are not sure of the exact year of the event, then look for a link to the Tables Dà ©cennales, often referred to as the TD. These ten-year indexes list all names in each event category alphabetically, or grouped by the first letter of the last name, and then chronologically by the date of the event. With the information from the tables dà ©cennales you can then access the register for that particular year and browse directly to the portion of the register for the event in question, and then chronologically to the date of the event. What to Expect Most French civil registers of birth, marriage, and death are written in French, though this doesnt present a great difficulty to non-French speaking researchers as the format is basically the same for most records. All you need to do is learn a few basic French words (e.g.à naissancebirth) and you can read pretty much any French civil register. This French Genealogical Word List includes most of the common genealogy terms in English, along with their French equivalents. The exception is the localities that at some point in history were under the control of a different government. In Alsace-Lorraine, for example, some civil registers are in German. In Nice and Corse, some are in Italian.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wolf Lichen Free Essays
Poisonous but also a healer. It is very abundant in Idaho but very scarce and hard to find in Scandinavia. Wolf Lichen is the name of this mysterious plant. We will write a custom essay sample on Wolf Lichen or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is one of many different types of lichen found in nature and varies in ways such as habitat, use, and appearance. Lichen is a slow-growing plant genus that is usually structured in a spindle or leaf like shape. Lichen is made up of two components; fungi and algae. (Hollering, J. 014) The Fungal aspect is present in that it contains Chitin in their cell walls, they produce hyphen, spore producing, it is multicultural, and that they deed on dead trees/plants . The algal component means they are eukaryote, are able to photosynthesis, and they have specialized tissues. (Thomas-Sucker, J. 2012) In Wolf Lichen and dead/dying trees form by symbiotic relationships. Symbiosis describes a close interaction between two organisms that benefits/harm at least one of the organisms. Sometimes symbiotic relationships can be beneficial, but can be sometimes harmful. This symbiotic relationship is beneficial to one another, because if we did not have dead or dying plants we could never have Wolf Lichen(Hollering,J. 2014). Wolf Lichen also produces its own food in order for it to survive. To do so, it goes through photosynthetic processes. Photosynthesis starts with trapping the sunââ¬â¢s energy in the form of sugar. Then the Wolf Lichen stores the resulting sugar in cells to form glucose for quick growth. Photosynthesis represents the beauty of the chemical process that takes six water molecules from the roots and six carbon dioxide molecules from the air and creates one sugar molecule. If there was no such thing as photosynthesis there would be no life on earth as we know it. (aesthetic, J. , Comma, C. 014) Lichen are categorized into three different kingdoms, which are Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protests, and Kingdom Moaner. One interesting fact about Wolf Lichen is they are able to shut down their metabolism during times when nutrition is scarce and also in freezing weather. Wolf Lichen typically grows less than a millimeter per year. There are a total of 287 different types of species of lichen of 68 genres, and a total of 8 different varieties in Idaho . According to recent research conducted by Dustin Shown, John Areola, and Braided Irishman on the Ph of lichen; Wolf Lichen, along with other lichen have a mean of approximately 4. 1 on the Ph scale. This means that Wolf Lichen have an acidic compound (See figure 1 at presentation). (Thomas-Sucker, J. 2012) Wolf Lichen is also named Lethargy. There are two types of Lethargy (L. ) that are not easily noticeable; L. vulpine and L. Columbian. These two species are very similar in many ways but also very different. L. vulpine is asexual and reproduces with sorehead, while L. Alumina is sexual and does not reproduce with sorehead. L. vulpine is the only lichen that is poisonous. (Hollering,J. 2014) Sorehead is a reproductive structure for lichens. Lichens can reproduce asexually and sexually. Sorehead is a powdery substance composed of fungal hyphen that wraps around contractible. Fungal hyphen make up the basic body structure of lichen. (Conrad,J. 2005) As Wolf Lichen can grow to the size of 1 CM. But can be as large as 12 CM. The branches are round and wrinkled when in very dry conditions. The color ranges from a light yellow-green to a dull yellow. It will not grow in freezing temperatures. However; frost does not kill it, it Just stops growing. Once the weather is warmer the lichen will start growing and reproducing. Wolf Lichen is extremely sensitive to air pollution and will not grow in polluted areas. Wolf Lichen grows on dead trees and stumps. It grows more often on sunny sides of trees and rocks. It does not usually grow in coastal rain forests. (Conrad, J. 2005) In the past people have poisoned wolves and other animals with Wolf Lichen. Since the lichen is poisonous, it allowed the Coachman people in Northern California to use poison arrow heads. Farmers in the past used pieces of meat, crushed glass, and inserted Wolf Lichen to poison the wolves and other animals that would bother their crops. (aesthetic, J. , Comma, C. 2014) The lichen has vulpine acid in it which stops the respiratory systems of the animals. The glass is used to damage the intestines of the animals, so that the toxin could attack the body and kill the animals. Wolf Lichen is very poisonous, which made people have to use a mask so they wouldnââ¬â¢t harm themselves. (ABA, N. 2011) Wolf Lichen was used as a yellow dye. This dye was used for coloring baskets. Wolf Lichen was also used for medicine. Lichen was used to wash out wounds and cuts, curing their injuries. (Conrad, J. 2005) Statistics show that fifty percent of all lichen are known as an antibiotic. In the United States they used lichen for mouth, stomach, intestines, anus, vagina, nose, ear, and skin pain. While in Finland it was used for treating skin eruptions, skin wounds, and athleteââ¬â¢s foot. (Hollering, J. 2014) In Scandinavia, Wolf Lichen is a rare species and are red-listed, which means that they are in danger of becoming extinct. Wolf lichen used to be abundant in an area of Scandinavia called GarÃâenslaved, but after the years had passed, Wolf Lichen became scarce and harder to find. The Wolf Lichen was exploited and ruined, so trying to protect GarÃâenslaved against people who destroyed Wolf Lichen is one thing we can do to hopefully save the Wolf Lichen. Also Wolf Lichen is the most photographed lichen in GarÃâenslaved. The species are also located around Europe and all the way to North America. (ABA, N. 2011) Although Wolf lichen is scarce in Scandinavia it is very abundant in Idaho. Wolf Lichen is found on most of the trees that are dying or already dead. Wolf Lichen is an indicator that helps people tell if trees or other plants are dead or dying. It can be found all over the town of McCall, Idaho, which is right next to Ponderosa State Park. Wolf Lichen helps the state park by letting them know what trees to cut down or to watch out for so it does not cause any damage to the people visiting or damage to the ecosystem. (Shoehorn, S. 001) Wolf Lichen is mostly found on twigs and stumps of most trees or plants. There are, however, lichen that is found on tree bark,and also houses and fence posts. It sometimes begins on rocks. It usually grows in a thick, solid cover, around and on dead trees and limbs. It is more abundant in numerous habitats where sunlight is more commonly found. (Turner Kindle, 1998) Overall, Wolf Lichen is a special type of lichen, not only is it poisonous and a healer, but it is the only type of lichen that contains poison. It is also categorized into three different types of Kingdoms which differentiates from all other lichens. Wolf Lichen has many uses. The way people used to use it is very different from how we use it today. How to cite Wolf Lichen, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Organizational Behavior Organization - and Social System
Question: Discuss about the Organizational Behavior Organization, and Social System. Answer: Introduction: Organizational behavior is the application and research of ability by expertise about how an individual, group act in a firm. It identifies and interprets employee-firm relationship regarding whole people, organization, and social system. Its primary focus is on building relationships by achieving targets, structure, and social intentions. The coarse of an enterprise depends on the executives view, mission, goals, beliefs, and philosophy. This turns the enterprise skill consisting of formal and informal organization and cordial situation. The corporate experience derives kinds of power, group dynamics, and communication in the firm. The final result is individual satisfaction, performance, growth, and development. Together they combine to form a framework that an organization operates (Wilson 2013). The four famous models the team works are Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive and Collegial (Bratton 2015). In Autocratic, the staff members are inclined close to dependence and obedience on their senior. The need and work development of the staff are minimum. The staff is inclined towards benefits, safety, and confidence on the organization. The work result is an acceptable collaboration. The basis of Supportive is power with a managerial direction of base. The managers are inclined towards work development and cooperation (Storey 2016). The status and recognition of the employee are met, and the return report is derived. The base of Collegial is the cooperating with a managerial direction of unity. The employees are inclined on self-discipline and answerable action. The demand of an employee met is self-realization. The result of work is medium energy. The Big five personality trait concept has been adopted from psychology which includes five main domains describing an individual's personality and behavior. This represents a structure behind all personality traits. These five characters have been explained by various researchers but it not powerful in describing the actual behavior of an individual. The traits are Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Neuroticism and Openness. The traits can be explained by giving a real life example of my internship period in a company selling organic products. Openness to experience shows a human degree of mental curiosity, creativity, and choice for innovation and variety. For instance, during the internship period in a company I was asked by my Team Leader to approach a client who use organic products and convince him by using a different approach to buy our product. Conscientiousness show self-discipline tendency, completing duty and focus on success. During the internship period in a company, I was asked to complete the target by the end of the month to sell the organic products and I was successful in completing the target by planning and organizing the sales process. It refers to planning, organizing, and dependability. Extroversion describes positive energy, emotions, confidence, sociability, talkativeness, and the tendency to chase incentive in the others organization. During the internship period, a colleague was lagging behind in completing his sales target and the Team Leader approached me to motivate my colleague to work smartly. Agreeableness is the habit to be merciful and harmonious towards others instead of skeptical and hostile. When a colleague was unable to complete his sales target during my internship, I was asked to help him in completing his target so as to maintain the sales target of the company. Neuroticism refers to an individuals stage of emotions and its control on anger, anxiety, vulnerability or depression (Judge et al. 2013). After completing the target in the first month, the target was increased by the company after looking at my performance. I was happy that my senior was impressed with my work but tensed about increase in the target and how can it be achieved (Klimstra et al. 2013). These traits are scored in percentile for individual feedbacks. For example, a conscientiousness rating 94 percentile indicates a strong sense of orderliness, responsibility whereas an extraversion score in the 42nd percentile indicates a person is neither particularly social nor reserved. The staff is examined on the big five personality traits to know what attributes they can include to the company. The organizations can also use these features during the interview process when a team is hiring candidates to know a candidate's behavior towards a particular situation (Wortman, Lucas and Donnellan 2012). A company understanding its employees is as important as understanding the operations and management. A group structure is a combination of individual relation communicating in many methods. The structure consist people and relationship among themselves. The attitude of individuals can influence exactly on the attitude of the rest. The general network exchanges ideas, goods, and beliefs with the surrounding nearby. The skill is surrounded with beliefs, customs, knowledge, and practices. It impacts the behavior of a particular. People depending on culture provide them strength, safety, empathy and the skill to react to a given scenario. This is the reason humans are scared of change. They fear the structure might become fickle; safety can get lost and might not adapt to the new course and how to react to new scenarios. Organizational improvement is the operation of detectable science skill at different stages of class, inter-class, firm, to bring a difference. The purpose is high quality job-life, adaptability, richness, and validity. It can be accomplished by a change in attitude, values; behavior, strategies, procedure and structure the firm can react to technological advances, aggressive force, and change in environment. The quality of job life is the favorable or unfavorable work scenario. The objective is to enhance job surrounding which is good for the staff and the firm (Leonard et al. 2013). The selection and development of leaders are an important matter for organizations. Personal characteristics of an individual are related to leadership which is of important significance (Cogliser et al. 2012). Recently, the big five personality attributes Extroversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness have emerged as a unifying framework to understand a typical character. Results show that five personality trait of Conscientiousness and Extroversion show the highest effect on control, while the effect of neuroticism, openness and agreeableness differ more. The importance of extroversion, conscientiousness, and psychological hardiness influences leader effectiveness and tells that social judgment can be significant. The factors of Big Five personality can affect leadership in different organizational context. Various research have been organized to know the tendency of job-related behavior and attitudes like the relation between job performance and big five personality attrinutes (Bartone et al. 2009). Organization commitment is known as a powerful motive to stick to a precise company, giving great efforts to the organization, accepting the goals and values of the firm. Personality denoting the phenomenon to firms devotion and action is the ultimate outcome of organizational engagement. Effective commitment refers to emotional attachment and involvement of the employee towards the organization which will affect positive attitude and behavior in their work. This will result in excellent job performance. Affective commitment is directly proportional to overall job performance. Extraverts with high percentile are positively related with extrinsic career success. Extraversion is a nature kind which shows attributes like being expressive, socially active, fluent having a strong desire for praise, recognition, power and status. The extraversion score in the big five personality test conducted online is 42 percentile which denotes that a person is neither reserved nor particularly social (Cobb-Clark and Schurer 2012). Conscientiousness personality indicates careful, responsible, hardworking and organized. These people with high percentile form a relational contract in their exchange relationship with the organization. Conscientiousness is positively related to affective commitment. It is the most constant character forecaster of work conduct. The Conscientiousness score in the big five personality test conducted online is 94 percentile which denotes that the person is well organized and can be relied upon. Neuroticism includes traits such as depression, anxiety, worry, embarrassment. Neuroticism avoids scenarios demanding to take control and limited socially. These individuals face negative feelings in life than any other person. This negative perception can lead to a negative work-related attitude and behaviors which will result them to stay with the firm due to the cost related with quitting the job. They feel uneasy while facing a new work environment which can be harsh on them. The Neuroticism score in the big five personality test conducted online is 18 percentile which denotes that Neurotics probably remain calm, even in tense situations. Neurotics are easily connected to constant engagement which is adversely connected to overall work conduct (Huang 2014). Agreeableness includes traits like forgiving, cooperative, trusting and tolerant. Its connection with work conduct is weak, which is not a fundamental element of work conduct (Barrick, Mount and Li 2013). The agreeableness score in the big five personality test conducted online is 44 percentile which denotes that the person is neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. Agreeableness is related to teamwork. Openness includes traits like broad-minded, intelligent, curious and cultured. Openness to action is known as predisposing people to sense both great and awful experience very deeply. The transparency score in the big five personality test conducted online is 30 percentile which denotes that the individual is somewhat conventional. Openness trait has been a topic of controversy among various researchers. Openness to action is not a great forecaster of work conduct (Ahmad, Ather and Hussain 2014). Organizational Citizenship Behavior is known as individual behavior on the part of the employee which is unrestricted and not directly identified by formal reward system or given a penalty for the presence of lack of by the firm. It is known to have a significant influence on the efficiency and effectiveness of team and organization, contributing to the overall production of the group. A researcher gives two main reasons why Organizational Citizenship Behavior is not troubled by Organizational influence. First reason is Organizational Citizenship Behavior profound which is hard to rate and make it difficult during the appraisals. The second reason is various forms of Organizational Citizenship Behavior may drag away people from their job to help another (Shih and Chuang 2013). Every organization depends on multiple acts of cooperation, suggestions, helpfulness, goodwill gesture which we call it Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Lpez-Domnguez et al. 2013). A crew which is committed towards their duty is an important asset of the firm where the biggest challenge of the business is to survive in this competitive world. A company cannot survive long without its management by taking part in the organization-relevant behavior. Organizational Citizenship Behavior is an important formulation in organization behavior and western business. Personality can be predicted in delicate situations. Organizational Citizenship Behavior can represent an individual's behavior occurring in sensitive cases. It can be said that in Organizational Citizenship Behavior we can find a kind of performance which gives attribute to the personality. An individual with a trait of high openness enjoy working on new ideas and have interest and appreciate the novelty. Various researchers came to know that openness to actions is easily connected to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. People with high Conscientiousness have a better job performance than those with low Conscientiousness. They can perform work with fewer mistakes. Individuals with high Conscientiousness are hardworking and dependent. They are more methodical and take part in solving a problem. People with this trait show a higher result in Organizational Citizenship Behavior performance. Extraversions are the key propensity determinant of social behavior. Individuals who are flexib le are highly extraverted who is likely to show more active Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Employees with high agreeable trait show respective competence and cooperate properly when a group performance is required. Thus, agreeableness performs better and is positively related to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Neuroticism is the key inclination factor of social behavior. People with low neuroticism should be able to reflect Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Thus, neuroticism is negatively related to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Swaminathan and Jawahar 2013). The online big five personality test found the relationship between job performance and big five personality attributes with an act of negotiator of complex organizational responsibility. A miniature is created which is former to organizational responsibility and conduct is the outcome of organizational authority. Organizational commitment has been an act of negotiator in finding the character-conduct relationship. The affective commitment will intercede in figuring the relationship between job performance and extraversion. It is also seen that the relation between job performance and neuroticism can be resolved by constant engagement. The various outcomes of organizational engagement can be a motive to stay or leave the organizational citizenship behavior. The big five personality trait, leadership, motivation, and job commitment can have a great impact on the job performance of the employees. Defining big five personality trait as stable individual differences in people's reactions to various circumstances can be hoped to revive human nature. Personality and job satisfaction and big five personality traits are all inter-related. It can appear as a relationship between job satisfaction, and big five personal traits is more an outcome of the social aspect of the firm than the actual ability. Staff's level of competition contributes to the performance of the enterprise. Employers must provide facilities for their employees' training. Companies should give a good working environment to increase their staff's motivation and increase job satisfaction. A comfortable place for their work and the human relation is necessary to maintain worker's loyalty towards their employers. Big Five personality trait can be improved with a good relationship between the employees and employers and among themselves. References Ahmad, J., Ather, M.R. and Hussain, M., 2014. Impact of Big Five personality traits on job performance (Organizational commitment as a mediator). In Management, knowledge and learning international conference (pp. 25-27). Barrick, M.R., Mount, M.K. and Li, N., 2013. The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics. Academy of Management Review, 38(1), pp.132-153. 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